- in this video, i'm gonna showyou the best way to organize all of your digital business files. hey, everyone. megan here from meganminns.com, where i help busy entrepreneurs like you save time while running their business. as business owners, it can be very easy to let all of your digitaland electronic files pile up.
but by taking a few minutes to set up a filing structure that works for you, it will not only be easy to maintain, but you'll know where to find everything the moment you need it. so let's get started. i use google drive to storeand organize all of my files. and if you haven't signedup for google drive yet, i do have a link below this video
that you can go aheadand sign up right now. you get 15 gigabytesfor free to start off, if you sign up for thegoogle apps for work, which is now called g suite. you can actually get unlimited storage, which is what i have, and youcan see i definitely need it. in my google drive, i have five folders. archived, which is wherei store outdated files and folders that are no longer relevant.
education, which is wherei save e-books, pdfs, and any resources that i am using to continue to learn and educate myself. megan minns, this is my homebase for my business files, so i'll dig a little bitmore into this in a minute. personal, which is where istore all of my personal files. and website in a box. now, website in a box has its own folder because it is a separateco-created product
between mariah coz and i, so that's why it's notunderneath my business folder. since we're going to be talking about how to organize your business files, i'm gonna focus on this business folder. so, if we open it up you can see that i have six folders within here and i have found that thisarrangement works really well. i actually got thefoundation for this structure
from a blog post from a friendof mine named maya elias so i'll link to her originalblog post beneath this video so you can check it out and you'll also see howi have customized it and modified it to work for me. so the first folder iscalled brand elements, then we have content and products, finances and accounting,internal communication, legal documents, and miscellaneous.
so, if you open up thebrand elements folder you'll see that i have all the different types of brand elements you might need, whether that's b-roll,so background video, background footage for videos, my bio, my business cards, fonts, headshots, intro videos, music, styled stock photos, photos for my websiteand all that good stuff. this is really helpfulbecause i'm not only
keeping files organized,but when i added a va and a video editor to my team it was so easy to sharethe exact brand elements that they needed to use tohelp me run my business, plus it's so nice to alwaysknow where these things are. the content and products folder is definitely the biggest folder and this is every typeof content or product that might exist in my business,
so that can go from affiliate promotions to challenges or courses,e-books, free downloads i offer, my newsletter, any random tech tutorials, webinars, and, ofcourse, my youtube videos so whatever kind of content and products that you'recreating in your business, it would be great to go ahead and create a folder for each of them and some of these folders,just as a little tip,
are actually empty, butthey're great reminders for me that i want to do these things so i don't have an e-bookor an email course yet, but i want to so just byhaving the folder there, it really motivates me and reminds me that this is something i dowant to create for my business. next is the financesand accounting folder. i am actually not goingto go into that in detail, but you can see at ahigh level that i have
a place for budget, invoices,goals, income trackers, and receipts, so whateverkind of financial and accounting documentationyou need for your business, go ahead and give it its own folder. again, this is also great to keep separate because when you do start to grow a team, there's gonna be certainfolders you want to share with your team and otherfolders that you won't, so it kinda helps keepthe separation there.
internal communication,for me this means anything that's just about the actual team and things that the team needs, but don't really see the light of day outside of our business. so maybe this is some strategy, customer service templates,goals and planning, meeting notes, interviews,operations is a general folder that i share with my virtual assistant
so we can share processes and time sheets and all that good stuff, so internal communicationwill continue to grow as i expand my team and get better about documenting thingsthat we do as a team. now, legal documents. this is where i store all of my templates, so any legal templates i have as well as signed contracts,
any licenses and website policies. so, again, highly recommend that you have a legal documents folder. it just really helps thingsstay where they need to be and you know where tofind the important stuff when you need it. now, the miscellaneousfolder is kind of a catch all so when i was rebranding, ihad a folder for it in here where i kept all of that,you know, the questionnaire,
inspiration, i couldactually probably go ahead and archive this nowthat i have rebranded, but for now it's stillsitting in miscellaneous. research and inspirationis a big catch all folder for all those screen grabs that i capture when i see an inspiring sales page or a great thank you page or i love how someonedid a welcome sequence. i'll capture all of that inspiration
and store it all here so i can always go back and see it and i don't have to digaround in my computer. then i recently added thiscatch all folder called to file. this is not an ideal system, but if you want to just be realistic, sometimes you need to goahead and upload things to google drive sothey're off your computer, but maybe you don't have time
to necessarily organize them so i created this littlecatch all to file folder that is just at temporary placeholder when i want to go aheadand backup something, but i don't have time to actuallygo ahead and organize it. so, hopefully this'llbe something i eliminate but for now it's thereand it does work to ensure that everything is still backed up. so, that is the insideof my business folder.
i have found this structureto be really successful. i have used it on a team of one up to a team of six or more and it's very, very effective, easy to use, easy to stay organized, and something that i hope you will implement in your business. now you know how to organize your files, but i understand if youdidn't have a few minutes
to work through this alongside me, so that's why i created a freefile organizing cheat sheet when you do have a few minutesto tackle this project. you can download thisfree cheat sheet right now by clicking the link inthe corner of this video or below this video. after you've finishedorganizing your files, i want you to come backand leave a comment below this video and let me know.
if you thought this video was helpful, please subscribe, shareit with your friends, and hit the like button below so i know to make more videos like this. i'll see you in the next one. it's so easy to let allof our files pile up and get organized. oh no, unorganized. disorganized? unorganized?
it's so easy to let all of our electron-- oh, why do i keep ... digital or electronic? it's so easy to letall of our (gibberish). one of those should be okay.
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